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Image by Karl Köhler
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Alpstone Capital

About Us

Alpstone was incorporated in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2016, the headquarters of the group, with additional offices in London, Paris and St Helier, Jersey.

Alpstone’s investment approach is to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns through a range of discretionary global macro, tactical and relative value trading strategies, benefiting from the depth of knowledge and experience of the portfolio management team.

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General Enquiries:

Alpstone Capital (Suisse) SA
12 Rue du Port
1204 Geneva

Alpstone Capital Jersey LP
IFC 5, Esplanade
St Helier, JE2 3BY

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The information on this website does not constitute the provision of investment advice or an offer for sale or solicitation in any jurisdiction. The information has not been audited or otherwise verified and is provided for informational purposes only.


Alpstone Capital (Suisse) SA is registered as an Exempt Reporting Advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) under the Investor Advisers Act of 1940,  registered with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) as a commodity pool operator and in this capacity is also a member of the National Futures Association (“NFA”) and is authorised as an Manager of Collective Assets the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (“FINMA”). Alpstone Capital Services Limited, in the UK, is registered an a MIFID Investment Firm by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”). Alpstone Capital (Jersey) Limited is licensed and regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission (“JSFC”) under the Financial Services (Jersey) Law to conduct fund services business in and from within Jersey. The foregoing authorities have not confirmed the accuracy or content of this website.

©2024 Alpstone Capital

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